Furthering the legacy of composer & lyricist Peter Foley
In his short lifetime, Peter Foley (1967-2021) created a remarkable body of work, including five full-length musicals and an operetta—each vastly different from the others in subject matter, tone, and musical style—as well as cabaret and art songs, choral pieces, and dozens of instrumental scores for plays and television. Our Projects support the performance, recording, and publication of Peter’s extraordinary music.
“Among the best of his generation at setting lyrics and writing music that evokes character and mood.”
— Stephen Sondheim
Help us advance the artistic legacy of Peter Foley by supporting the performance, recording, and publication of his works.
Peter Foley Music Project (EIN 87-3672212) is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization classified as a public charity. Contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.